Parsons Behle & Latimer offers a full service M&A practice, representing buyers, sellers and others in all types and all aspects of mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and similar transactions


The M&A practice at Parsons Behle & Latimer provides our clients with the full range of expertise necessary to handle complex and critical transactions. Our practice includes core M&A attorneys with experience on numerous transactions of all sizes, ranging from small to large family businesses to international public corporations, in all industries, and on a local, national and international scale. Our M&A services are bolstered by attorneys with expertise in the numerous areas of law that such transactions involve, including tax, environmental, intellectual property, real estate, securities, employment, employee benefits, land use, zoning, water rights, antitrust, international regulatory requirements and other areas.

Parsons has long-standing expertise in mergers and acquisitions, representing buyers, sellers, shareholders, boards of directors and others in all aspects of these transactions that are critical to our clients.  In our mergers and acquisitions practice, we work with clients to identify their requirements and objectives and then work to help them achieve those goals. As part of this practice, we regularly advise clients on:

  • Transaction structure (including stock versus asset, nature of purchaser, complete divestiture, purchase price calculations and adjustment)
  • Term sheet development
  • Income tax implications
  • Transition and integration issues
  • Due diligence assistance, including reviewing documents and setting up virtual data rooms to assist the process
  • Indemnification and allocation of risk issues
  • Transfer and regulatory issues (including transferring necessary consents and licenses)
  • Environmental matters
  • Intellectual property diligence and protection
  • Other issues that must be considered in mergers and acquisition transactions


Key Contacts

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Dental Roll-Up Acquisitions and Exit

Advised a dental roll-up organization on the acquisition of multiple dental practices and on its $500 million exit to a private equity buyer.

Collision Repair Group Strategic Exit

Represented clients with multiple collision repair locations in a $70 million acquisition by a strategic purchaser. 

Franchise Formation and Brand Acquisition

Counseled a franchise founder in forming and structuring a franchise system and acquiring a brand as the basis for a new franchise in a complex acquisition transaction and subsequent ongoing outside general counsel matters.


Buy Side

Parsons Behle & Latimer represents buyers of all types in acquisitions, both locally and nationally. We regularly serve as lead counsel in transactions spanning numerous industries, from manufacturing, biotech, software, healthcare and others. We have the expertise and ability to structure transactions, manage due diligence and efficiently close transactions in manner that protects our clients’ interests.

Sell Side

Parsons Behle & Latimer regularly represents sellers of businesses, from small family businesses to multi-billion-dollar transactions. These transactions are always of critical importance to our clients. In many cases, this is the first time our clients have ever sold their business, which they have spent a lifetime building. We ensure that such transactions are handled with the expertise they deserve.

Private Equity Roll Overs

Parsons Behle & Latimer represents sellers and private equity companies in connection with rollover transactions in which a seller reinvests in the post-transaction entity. We have experience in structuring these transactions to align the interests of the parties and minimize tax consequences.

International & Cross Border Transactions

Parsons Behle & Latimer has extensive expertise in assisting clients with international and cross-border transactions, involving geographies in Europe, Asia, South America, Canada and Mexico. Parsons has expertise in meeting tax, regulatory, employment and other requirements imposed on such transactions.

Joint Ventures

Parsons Behle & Latimer has represented parties in numerous joint venture transactions, including multi-billion dollar transactions. We have extensive expertise in negotiating the critical terms for such joint ventures to ensure not only a successful transaction but, as importantly, a successful operation of the venture in the future.

Transaction Services

Parsons Behle & Latimer have relationships with numerous service providers who provide transaction services to parties engaged in mergers and acquisitions and regularly represent clients in negotiating and obtaining such services.
