Every decision by the federal government must comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). In the West, where public lands dominate, NEPA is a critical component of permitting mining, energy and industrial projects. Attorneys from Parsons Behle & Latimer have assisted clients with scores of important environmental impact statements and environmental assessments for mines, power plants, pipelines, transmission lines, highways and other projects. Our clients include mining, energy (electric, natural gas, nuclear) and waste disposal companies; state highway departments and other state agencies; local governments and special service districts; transmission lines in Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming; and citizen and business coalitions. We help clients draft, review and defend NEPA documents in administrative appeals and federal courts. We help private clients work with federal decision makers to assure that NEPA documents are accurate, complete and defensible. We can also help business or citizen clients comment on or challenge NEPA documents that are incomplete or inadequate.
Our recent NEPA work includes defending environmental impact statements for mining projects against challenges in the Ninth and Tenth Circuit Courts of Appeal; assisting clients and agencies in developing EAs, EISs, or other NEPA documentation for mining and exploration operations in Utah, Montana, Nevada, Arizona, Oregon and Washington; highway projects in Idaho and Utah; and natural gas pipelines in Utah, Colorado and Wyoming.